Comedy is the genre I enjoy watching the most. From TV shows, movies and mainstream shows the comedy scene has quite evolved in India. Around 2014, before the jio era I came across Lilly Singh who was quite popular and from then I got introduced to relatable comedy. As time passed many creators like Mostlysane, Anisha Dixit came into the picture of relatable comedy. Types of, Expectations v/s Reality etc were the type of content that emerged and were quite relatable. At that time I found Mostlysane very relatable because she grew up in Mumbai and made videos on the situations that everyone out there faced. I wanted to know if everyone went through the same thing or not and it really used to feel good after watching her. Relatable comedies has various level to it: 1. Punchlines like What's grey and not very heavy? - Light grey. It is the most lowest level of comedy. 2.Relatable comedy are just a little above because they are made in a video format. Eventhough this also exis...