Comedy is the genre I enjoy watching the most. From TV shows, movies and mainstream shows the comedy scene has quite evolved in India. Around 2014, before the jio era I came across Lilly Singh who was quite popular and from then I got introduced to relatable comedy. As time passed many creators like Mostlysane, Anisha Dixit came into the picture of relatable comedy. Types of, Expectations v/s Reality etc were the type of content that emerged and were quite relatable. At that time I found Mostlysane very relatable because she grew up in Mumbai and made videos on the situations that everyone out there faced. I wanted to know if everyone went through the same thing or not and it really used to feel good after watching her.
    Relatable comedies has various level to it:

1. Punchlines like What's grey and not very heavy? - Light grey. It is the most lowest level of comedy.

2.Relatable comedy are just a little above because they are made in a video format. Eventhough this also exists in all social media platforms.
    Now these are not professional comedians because they make videos on the observations around them with some humour to it. These type of comedies are continously thrown to the viewers face. Back when internet was new it worked but now it has lost its appeal. New girls came and they copy pasted the same content and became famous and gathered huge numbers. Mostlysane's content is comparatively nice because of her production quality,screen presence and other aspects. 
      It's time to stop creating the same type of content because it's getting saturated day by day. Lilly Singh's channel has been dying because of the views she gets in her videos compare to the subscribers she has. Captain Nick, Samreen Ali, Shruti Anand and many more are simply doing the same stuff that has been done from 2014 and still going on.
      I don't know how they are going to bring the change in their content because they are in a stage where it is difficult to experiment new things rather for a small channel which has 100k subscribers. But it is an alarming time for these creators because these type of content will not work in the long run. I am writing about this because there are not many female creators in content space when we talk about comedy. There are a few creators like Gautami from slayy point whose content I really like, then Salonayyy- she plays different characters mainly celebrity impressions. At last, comedy is very subjective so it is totally based on my opinion.
